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- Steam Community :: Guide :: Making Money In Misery
- MISERY Mod For S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call Of Pripyat - Mod DB
Steam Community :: Guide :: Making Money In Misery
This guide is for Misery 2.1, I haven't updated it quite yet for Misery 2.2 Purple Floof (again) author Sep 29, 2018 @ 11:46pm If you need a lighter, you can buy one from beard IIRC or just kill stalkers and find one as a random drop. Important info: to get the debug menu press esc + s at same time or roughly at same time, one used said 'i had to hold down esc and s for a couple of second. Currently in-progress, this will soon be a complete list of console commands with descriptions. In it's current state, it's far more exhaustive than the previous list. If you would like to add/update any commands, please be sure to follow the current structure- an example is given below in the Notes section. Derjyn 23:27, 17 June 2008 (EEST. As I'm testing the different guns and ammo I was thinking it would be useful if I could use the console to spawn an NPC in front of me that I can then use for target practice. Even better if I could change their armour and weapons to see how my armour holds up. Is something like this possible or would it be too involved and not simple enough to just enter a console command?
Farm together for mac. Currently in-progress, this will soon be a complete list of console commands with descriptions. In it's current state, it's far more exhaustive than the previous list. If you would like to add/update any commands, please be sure to follow the current structure- an example is given below in the Notes section.
MISERY Mod For S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call Of Pripyat - Mod DB
Mac download movies for free. Derjyn 23:27, 17 June 2008 (EEST)
Command | Explanation |
_preset [Minimum, Low, Default, High, Extreme] | Sets quality preset (same as in-game options). |
ai_use_torch_dynamic_lights [0, 1] | Toggles NPC flashlights. |
beclient [TODO] | TODO |
bemsg [TODO] | TODO |
beserver [TODO] | TODO |
bind [action, key] | Binds an action to a particular primary key. |
bind_console [TODO] | TODO |
bind_list [no arguments] | Lists current key bindings. |
bind_sec [action, key] | Binds an action to a secondary key. |
cam_inert [0.000, 1.000] | Controls camera inertia. |
cam_slide_inert [0.000, 1.000] | TODO |
cdkey [TODO] | TODO |
cfg_load [filename.ltx] | Loads a configuration file with the specified name from the same directory as User.ltx. |
cfg_save [filename.ltx] | Saves current configuration to a new .ltx file with the specified name in the same directory as User.ltx. |
chat [TODO] | TODO |
check_for_updates [TODO] | TODO |
cl_cod_pickup_mode [0, 1] | |
cl_dynamiccrosshair [0, 1] | Toggles in-game dynamic crosshair. |
cl_voteno [TODO] | TODO |
cl_votestart [TODO] | TODO |
cl_voteyes [TODO] | TODO |
clear_log [no arguments] | Clears the console log. |
demo_play [demoname] | Plays back a pre-recorded timedemo. |
demo_record [demoname] | Records a timedemo. -- spacebar sets keyframes, if your keyframes are set press ESC, then try demo_play [recorded_demo_name] |
disconnect [no arguments] | Exists current game to main menu. |
dump_open_files [TODO] | TODO |
dump_resources [TODO] | TODO |
flush [no arguments] | Creates log of actions under the Documents and SettingsAll UsersShared DocumentsSTALKER-SHOClogs directory. |
g_always_run [0, 1] | Toggles always run/always walk. |
g_autopickup [0, 1] | TODO |
g_backrun [0, 1] | TODO |
g_corpsenum [0, 100] | TODO |
g_eventdelay [0, 1000] | TODO |
g_game_difficulty (gd_novice, gd_stalker, gd_veteran, gd_master) | Sets difficulty level. |
g_kill [no arguments] | Player kill/suicide. |
g_restart [TODO] | TODO |
g_restart_fast [TODO] | TODO |
g_swapteams [TODO] | Swap team for artefacthunt game. |
get_server_address [no arguments] | Lists server's IP address. |
help [no arguments] | Lists all console commands. |
hud_crosshair [0, 1] | Toggles in-game crosshair. |
hud_crosshair_dist [0, 1] | Toggles in-game crosshair target distance display. |
hud_info [0, 1] | Toggles hud elements. |
hud_weapon [0, 1] | Toggles in-game weapon display. |
list_actions [no arguments] | Lists all bindable character actions. |
load [savename] | Loads the saved game with the name specified. |
load_last_save [no arguments] | Loads last saved game |
main_menu [no arguments] | Takes you straight to the game's main menu screen. |
mm_mm_net_srv_dedicated [0, 1] | TODO |
mm_net_con_publicserver [0, 1] | TODO |
mm_net_con_spectator [1, 32] | |
mm_net_con_spectator_on [0, 1] | |
mm_net_filter_battleye [TODO] | TODO |
mm_net_filter_empty [0, 1] | TODO |
mm_net_filter_full [0, 1] | TODO |
mm_net_filter_listen [0, 1] | TODO |
mm_net_filter_pass [0, 1] | TODO |
mm_net_filter_wo_ff [0, 1] | TODO |
mm_net_filter_wo_pass [0, 1] | TODO |
mm_net_player_name [string] | TODO |
mm_net_srv_gamemode [st_deathmatch, st_team_deathmatch, st_artefacthunt] | |
mm_net_srv_maxplayers [2, 32] | TODO |
mm_net_srv_name [string] | TODO |
mm_net_srv_reinforcement_type [0, 2] | TODO |
mm_net_use_battleye [TODO] | TODO |
mm_net_weather_rateofchange [0.000, 100.000] | TODO |
mouse_invert [0, 1] | Toggles mouse inversion. |
mouse_sens [0.050, 0.6000] | Sets mouse sensitivity. |
name [string] | Sets your player name. |
net_cl_clearstats [TODO] | TODO |
net_cl_icurvesize [0, 2000] | TODO |
net_cl_icurvetype [0, 2] | TODO |
net_cl_interpolation [ | 1.000, 1.000] - TODO |
net_cl_log_data [0, 1] | TODO |
net_cl_resync [TODO] | TODO |
net_compressor_enabled [TODO] | TODO |
net_compressor_gather_stats [TODO] | TODO |
net_compressor_status [TODO] | TODO |
net_dbg_dump_ export_obj [0, 1] | TODO |
net_dbg_dump_import_obj [0, 1] | TODO |
net_dbg_dump_update_read [0, 1] | TODO |
net_dbg_dump_update_write [0, 1] | TODO |
net_cl_update_rate [1, 100] | TODO |
net_dedicated_sleep [0, 64] | TODO |
net_sv_clearstats | |
net_sv_gpmode [0, 2] | TODO |
net_sv_log_data [0, 1] | TODO |
net_sv_pending_lim [0 ,10] | TODO |
net_sv_update_rate [1, 100] | TODO |
ph_frequency | |
ph_iterations [15, 50] | TODO |
quit | Exits game to Desktop. |
r1_dlights [on,off] | Toggles dynamic lights, only impacts on torchlight. |
r1_dlights_clip [10.000, 150.000] | Sets dynamic light clip range. |
r1_glows_per_frame [2, 32] | Controls maximum number of light sources. |
r1_lmodel_lerp [0.000, 0.333] | Controls the Linear Interpolation of lighting. |
r1_pps_u [ | 1.000,1.000] - Controls Per Pixel Shader functionality. |
r1_pps_v [ | 1.000,1.000] - Controls Per Pixel Shader functionality. |
r1_ssa_lod_a [16.000,96.000] | Controls Level of Detail in game world. |
r1_ssa_lod_b [16.000,64.000] | Controls Level of Detail in game world. |
r1_tf_mipbias [ | 0.500,0.500] - Controls mipmap LOD bias which affects texture clarity. |
r2_aa [0, 1] | Toggles fake Antialiasing blur effect. |
r2_aa_break [0.000000, 1.000000][0.000000, 1.000000][0.000000, 1.000000] | Controls extent of fake AA. |
r2_aa_kernel [0.300, 0.700] | Controls overall blurriness of fake AA. |
r2_aa_weight [0.000000, 1.000000][0.000000, 1.000000][0.000000, 1.000000] | More precisely controls bluriness of fake AA. |
r2_allow_r1_light [0, 1] | Allows DX8 lighting under DX9 lighting model. |
r2_gi [0, 1] | Toggles Global Illumination. |
r2_gi_clip [0.000, 0.100] | Controls Global Illumination clip distance. |
r2_gi_depth [1, 5] | Controls Global Illumination shadow depth. |
r2_gi_photons [8, 256] | Controls Global Illumination effect. |
r2_gi_refl [0.001, 0.990] | Controls Global Illumination reflectivity. |
r2_gloss_factor [0.000, 10.000] | Sets level of Specularity/gloss of objects. |
r2_ls_bloom_fast [0, 1] | Toggles enhanced bloom effect. |
r2_ls_bloom_kernel_b [0.010, 1.000] | Determines level of haze from HDR/bloom effect. |
r2_ls_bloom_kernel_g [1.000, 7.000] | TODO |
r2_ls_bloom_kernel_scale [0.500, 2.000] | TODO |
r2_ls_bloom_speed [0.000, 100.000] | TODO |
r2_ls_bloom_threshold [0.000, 1.000] | Controls overall level of the lighting effect used. |
r2_ls_depth_bias [ | 0.500, 0.500] - Controls how far visible light sources shine. |
r2_ls_depth_scale [0.500, 1.500] | Controls the impact of lighting on shadows. |
r2_ls_dsm_kernel [0.100, 3.000] | TODO |
r2_ls_psm_kernel [0.100, 3.000] | TODO |
r2_ls_squality [0.500, 1.000] | Sets Shadow quality. |
r2_ls_ssm_kernel [0.500, 1.000] | TODO |
r2_mblur [0.000, 1.000] | Controls Motion Blur effect. Only works if -mblur switch is also enabled. |
r2_parallax_h [0.000, 0.500] | Controls Parallax Mapping which affects texture surface depth. |
r2_slight_fade [0.020, 2.000] | TODO |
r2_ssa_lod_a [16.000, 96.000] | Controls level of detail in game world. |
r2_ssa_lod_b [32.000,64.000] | Controls level of detail in game world. |
r2_sun [0, 1] | Toggles sun lighting/shadows. |
r2_sun_depth_far_bias [ | 0.500, 0.500] - TODO |
r2_sun_depth_far_scale [0.500, 1.500] | TODO |
r2_sun_depth_near_bias [ | 0.500, 0.500] - TODO |
r2_sun_depth_near_scale [0.500, 1.500] | TODO |
r2_sun_details [0, 1] | Toggles shadows on grass/shrubbery. |
r2_sun_focus [0, 1] | TODO |
r2_sun_lumscale [ | 1.000, 3.000] - Sets sun brightness level. |
r2_sun_lumscale_amb [0.000, 3.000] | Sets ambient light level. |
r2_sun_lumscale_hemi [0.000, 3.000] | Sets hemisphere light level. |
r2_sun_near [1.000, 50.000] | TODO |
r2_sun_near_border [0.500, 1.000] | TODO |
r2_sun_tsm [on, off] | TODO |
r2_sun_tsm_bias [ | 0.500, 0.500] - TODO |
r2_sun_tsm_proj [0.001, 0.800] | TODO |
r2_tf_mipbias [ | 0.500, 0.500] - Controls mipmap LOD bias which affects texture clarity. |
r2_tonemap [0, 1] | Toggles tone mapping effect for HDR lighting. |
r2_tonemap_adaptation [0.010, 10.000] | TODO |
r2_tonemap_amount [0.000, 1.000] | TODO |
r2_tonemap_lowlum [0.000, 1.000] | Controls effect of tone mapping on darker areas. |
r2_tonemap_middlegray [0.000, 2.000] | Controls overall look of HDR effect. |
r2_wait_sleep [0, 1] | TODO |
r2_zfill [0, 1] | TODO |
r2_zfill_depth [0.001 0.500] | TODO |
r2em [0.000, 4.000] | TODO |
r__detail_density [0.200, 0.600] | Sets grass density level. |
r__geometry_lod [0.100, 1.200] | Sets objects detail level. |
r__supersample [1, 4] | Sets antialiasing level. |
r__tf_aniso [1, 16] | Sets anisotropic filtering level. |
ra [no arguments] | TODO |
renderer [renderer_r1, renderer_r2a, renderer_r2] | Sets rendering system. |
rs_c_brightness [0.500, 1.500] | Sets brightness level. |
rs_c_contrast [0.500, 1.500] | Sets contrast level. |
rs_c_gamma [0.500, 1.500] | Sets gamma level. |
rs_fullscreen [0, 1] | Toggles fullscreen/windowed mode. |
rs_refresh_60hz [0, 1] | Toglles 60Hz Frequency option. |
rs_stats [0, 1] | Toggles display of game engine statistics, including FPS. |
rs_v_sync [0, 1] | Toggles vertical sync. |
rs_vis_distance [0.400, 1.500] | Sets vision distance. |
save [savename] | Saves the current game under the name specified (default is quicksave). |
screenshot [1] | Saves a JPG screenshot under the Documents and SettingsAll UsersShared DocumentsSTALKER-SHOCscreenshots directory. |
snd_acceleration [0, 1] | Toggles hardware sound acceleration. |
snd_cache_size [4, 32] | Sets size of sound cache. |
snd_efx [0, 1] | Toggles Sound Effects on or off. |
snd_restart [no arguments] | Restarts the sound engine; should be used after altering any snd_ variables. |
snd_targets [4, 32] | Sets the number of channels for audio. |
snd_volume_eff [0.000, 1.000] | Sets sound FX volume level. |
snd_volume_music [0.000, 1.000] | Sets music volume level. |
start [TODO] | TODO |
stat_memory [no arguments] | Toggles the display of memory-related statistics for the game engine. |
sv_addmap [TODO] | TODO |
sv_anomalies_enabled [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_anomalies_length [0, 180] | TODO |
sv_artefect_respawn_delta [0, 600] | TODO |
sv_artefact_spawn_force [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_artefact_stay_time [0, 180] | TODO |
sv_artefacts_count [1, 100] | TODO |
sv_auto_team_balance [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_auto_team_swap [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_banplayer [TODO] | TODO |
sv_banplayer_id [TODO] | TODO |
sv_banplayer_ip [TODO] | TODO |
sv_bearercantsprint [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_changegametype [TODO] | TODO |
sv_changelevel [TODO] | TODO |
sv_changelevelgametype [TODO] | TODO |
sv_client_reconnect_time [0, 60] | TODO |
sv_console_update_rate [1, 100] | TODO |
sv_dedicated_server_update_rate [1, 1000] | TODO |
sv_dmgblockindicator [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_dmgblocktime [0, 600] | TODO |
sv_dump_online_statistics [no arguments] | TODO |
sv_dump_online_statistics_period [no arguments] | TODO |
sv_forcerespawn [0, 3600] | TODO |
sv_fraglimit [0, 100] | TODO |
sv_friendly_indicators [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_friendly_names [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_friendlyfire [0.000, 2.000] | TODO |
sv_hail_to_winner_time [0, 60] | TODO |
sv_kick [name] | Kick player by name. |
sv_listmaps [id] | Kick player by id. |
sv_listplayers [TODO] | TODO |
sv_listplayers_banned [TODO] | TODO |
sv_max_ping_limit [1, 2000] | TODO |
sv_nextanomalyset [TODO] | TODO |
sv_nextmap [TODO] | TODO |
sv_pda_hunt [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_prevmap [TODO] | TODO |
sv_reinforcement_time [ | 1, 3600] - TODO |
sv_remove_corpse [ | 1, 1] - TODO |
sv_remove_weapon [ | 1,1] |
sv_return_to_base [TODO] | TODO |
sv_returnplayers [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_rpoint_freeze_time [0, 60000] | TODO |
sv_setenvtime [TODO] | TODO |
sv_setweather [TODO] | TODO |
sv_shieldedbases [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_spectr_firsteye [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_spectr_freefly [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_spectr_freelook [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_spectr_lookat [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_spectr_teamcamera [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_startteammoney [TODO] | TODO |
sv_satistic_collect [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_statistic_save [TODO] | TODO |
sv_statistic_save_auto [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_status [TODO] | TODO |
sv_teamkill_limit [0, 100] | TODO |
sv_teamkill_punish [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_timelimit [0, 180] | TODO |
sv_unbanplayer_ip [TODO] | TODO |
sv_vote_enabled [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_vote_participants [0, 1] | TODO |
sv_vote_quota [0.000, 1.000] | TODO |
sv_vote_time [0.500, 10.000] | TODO |
sv_votestop [TODO] | TODO |
sv_warm_up [0, 3600] | TODO |
texture_lod [0,4] | Sets texture level of detail level. |
unbind [action] | Unbinds any primary keys from the specified action. |
unbind_console [TODO] | TODO |
unbind_sec [action] | Unbinds any secondary keys from the specified action. |
unbindall | Unbinds all keys from all actions. |
vid_mode [WxH] | Same as in-game Resolution option. |
vid_restart | Restarts the graphics engine; should be used after changing certain graphics settings such as texture_lod and vid_mode. |
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